Segala hasil ciptaan puisi saya diharapkan agar dapat memartabatkan semula seni warisan bangsa khususnya dalam seni berpantun dan bersajak....mudah-mudahan :)

Akhir sekali...Hakcipta adalah terpelihara... tidak boleh disalin semula sebahagian mahupun keseluruhan ataupun di'copy paste' :)

Monday 1 August 2011


And because we've been away for too long (a lot going on behind the scenes at Pixie Peddler lately), here's something extra we threw in with the goodies above:

Three (3) ways you can win this giveaway:

  1. 'Like' Pixie Peddler on Facebook and leave a comment there.
  2. Leave your name/link in the comments below.
  3. Share this giveaway on your blog or Facebook (remember to link it back to this post) and leave a comment on this post telling me you have done so. You will receive five (5) entries for sharing the giveaway on your blog or Facebook.
Note: You don't have to do all of the above. Doing 1 and 2 will entitle you to one entry each.

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