Segala hasil ciptaan puisi saya diharapkan agar dapat memartabatkan semula seni warisan bangsa khususnya dalam seni berpantun dan bersajak....mudah-mudahan :)

Akhir sekali...Hakcipta adalah terpelihara... tidak boleh disalin semula sebahagian mahupun keseluruhan ataupun di'copy paste' :)

Saturday 30 July 2011

"Vote for Nisa" Lucky Draw~!!

Klik gambar di atas untuk sertai.


1. Go to Scarfs Addiction & "LIKE" their fanpage

2. Then vote for me by clicking "LIKE" at my pic here 

Additional condition (updated on 25 July 2011)

* plz "LIKE" this pic at this link here

If you have liked this pic, do inform me. I will give you another extra name in ths list of voters. Thanks!! ^_^Additional condition for bloggers (optional)* Write an entry about this lucky draw. Juz paste the pic, and put the link of this entry & the deadline in your entry. [You will get 1 extra name in the list of voters] >_<

Cempaka Kuning
Aida Azryn
Mish Apple

1 comment:

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

thanks a lot Kak Nida coz sudi join.. akak mmg slalu join CGL yg sy anjurkn, right?
Moge akak lucky, hihi~..
Salam Ramadhan ye..

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