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Sunday 9 October 2011

"Vote for Nisa II" Lucky Draw~!!

Klik banner untuk sertai.

There are 3 pics that you have to "LIKE". By liking 1 pic, you will get 1 name. So, the more you like, the more names you'll get in the list of voters + the better chance to win!

OK, enough chit's what you've gotta do:

1. Pic 1 (until 30th Oct)

Like here and here

2. Pic 2 (until 28th Oct)

Like here and here too

3. Pic 3 (until 16th Oct)

Like here and here also

4. Leave your Facebook ID in the comment section below. Each pic have different voting periods, so plz state which pic that you have liked. Once a pic's voting period has ended, I will cross out  the pic's link.

5. Deadline: 7th Oct - 30th Oct 2011

6. Prizes will be updated soon. ^_^

Mama Tomel

1 comment:

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

thanks a lot Kak Nida.. ^_^ hihi~..

nnti akak dpt 4 name dlm list voter ye..gud luck!!

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